At The Well Ministries 2014 

        Arrested For Annoying People?  

As the vice principal of Casa Grande High School in Petaluma informed me that I was going to be arrested for California Penal Code 626 "annoying students on the sidewalk in front of a school," it occurred to me that my wife of 35 years would have loved to know about a law addressing "annoying" people.


Our team explained to the "nice" people that it would not be a wise move to arrest us, so the police officer and the VP regrouped, and decided to wait to hear from the School District attorney first.


As much as they tried to convince us that the school owned the public sidewalk until the students get home, we continued to say to the students passing by, "Hi, would you take some time to read this when you get home?  Thank you."  Hundreds of students willingly took our great brochures. Now isn't that "annoying?"


I don't want to hear from any of my newsletter friends that you want to know where to sign the complaint, and don't tell my wife about this law.

Our tour took us to the "People's Republic" of U.C. Berkeley for two awesome days of debate and dialogue with the 4.0-and-above crowd.  I didn't even know the G.P.A. went above 4.0... so I was in trouble.
As we arrived early in the morning on campus, it became apparent where we were to set up the display.
My son had taken a picture when we first got there, and later I noticed this interesting moment.
No, I don't see Deities in pancakes or toast, but this spot is where my wonderful niece Kortney stood in 2008 when we were kicked off the Berkeley campus and Kortney was falsely arrested. 
This is the famous Sproul Plaza, where students in the 1960's rioted for free speech rights on college campuses.  That circle in the plaza is dedicated to their cause and memory.
This day though, would be dedicated to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, my niece Kortney, and to the 55 million babies who have lost their lives in our American Holocaust.
But hold on...
Someone didn't get the memo.
Here we go again.
The officer informed us that the college policy does not allow outside groups to set up displays in the "public free speech area" of the campus, with two staffers adding "especially those displays that might upset or hurt the feelings of students."
We pointed out to the school officials that their policies had two different rules for students' free speech verses non-students' free speech in the same area, and we told them that this discrepancy can't be right.
                      Intolerance at U.C.Berkeley? No way. 
After threats of arrest and possible confiscation of our display, the school officials saw our resolve to stand for what is right and risk arrest. The  Berkeley officials backed off and we ministered among the students for two powerful days.
Project Truth has effective prayer warriors all over the country praying for our victories in the spiritual battlefields.

                   It didn't take long for the opposition to find us.

Abortion advocates haven't figured out that they draw more attention towards us and that their message is heartless and cruel.

On the second day this red-haired protester shouted out to students, "Let's start a *^&#% revolution to get rid of these anti-abortion displays and fight these %&*#* people and tear down their displays. We must overthrow these %&*#  %&** people.  She went on for a while but could not get anyone to join her call for violence. I recorded her rants and went back to engaging the students, knowing the protester could do nothing unless God allowed it.
          Bud engages a professor
       My son Jaron clarifies the Gospel
   Carol explains the message of life
John takes on a combined 12.7 G.P.A.
     Cheryl gives light to a dark soul
Bernard goes fishing in the biggest fishing hole yet.
Somewhere in that sea of students you will find Brian Boyd and his family sharing the Gospel and articulating the pro-life message. 


Those big green gates on the Berkeley campus remind me of the Gates that will lead to Heaven or Hell. 

Rod stands near the gate and warns those "being led to the slaughter."


John continues stretching his brain power with some German students

The Students for Life club helped us out on Tuesday and increased their club size with new members.





                  So there you have it.  "Going into all the world..." humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.  ll Timothy 2  
           Please pray for laborers to join the Project Truth Team.
          Guaranteed to be a great spiritual adventure!
One of the most important needs is to have eight college-age adults step up and join our team for our Fall Tour beginning August 15th through November 15th
It is my goal to develop a team of short-term missionaries who will travel (a semester or a year [Mondays-Thursdays]) as part of Project Truth.    
                         Contact me for more information.
We will be meeting in a few weeks with those who have expressed an interest for the Fall tour. 
Our plan is to disciple a team that will go to 24 colleges and 50 high schools in 12 weeks, giving the Light in their darkness, changing lives.
This could be you! 





                                       Thank you for standing with me.



I am Don Blythe of At the Well Ministries. This ministry of 30 years uses the the abortion issue as a springboard for sharing the Gospel.


My mission field comprises three main areas of outreach:  the abortion mills, high schools, and college campuses.


The email newsletters you receive give a hands-on look at what this ministry is all about.


I do not use the content of the letters to talk about financial support, and for 28 years the Lord has supplied my needs through the prayers and financial support of a small number of churches and individuals who believe in what I do and have seen the fruit of this labor.


If you desire to support my ministry, you can do so through regular mail or through the CashLinq donation link provided. CashLinq is a Christian direct-giving program that allows you to follow your giving history, and the cost to At the Well Ministries is minimal.


Thank you for standing with me.


At The Well is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.


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Mail donation: At the Well Ministries

                        P.O. Box 78025

                        Stockton, CA. 95267


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