At The Well Ministries

              You have given a banner to those who fear You,

               that it may be displayed because of the truth.

                                                                                    Psalm 60:4   


Our team took on many opportunities for dialogue and debate on the Modesto Junior College campus handing out over fifteen hundred brochures filled with the truth.

As the woman in the photo started to walk by she paused and said, "You're Don."  


She told me she had worked at the Modesto abortion center for two years and remembered me challenging her as she would go in the back door to work. 


The Modesto killing place dismembers babies up to six months along and this former worker told me many terrible things.  She was most troubled when the abortionist would pull out babies with hair and real features. 


This turned my stomach as I listened to her confess what an awful place it is.


I shared with her the need to repent and turn to the Cross for  forgiveness because of the evil she had participated in during those years.  I told her that I didn't want her to face God with the blood of all those babies on her hands.  She told me she had been thinking about the things of God and would consider her need to turn from her sins.  She gave me a hug and headed across the campus with the Gospel in her thoughts.


                           O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself;
                    It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps.
                                          O Lord, correct me, but with justice.

                                             Jeremiah 10:23  


We had a great team ready for battle, engaging many students.


Kevin and Mike joined us from PerishNot.


Gino drove all the way from the Bay area to reach the guys with the message of regret for making the wrong choices. 



One of many highlights occurred when the school had a fire drill and hundreds of students had to walk out of the classrooms right into view of our display. Gotta love it.

Our next stop would be Hancock College.    
      STOP! Not so fast!
Seems we were violating a college policy that states we "must stay on the grass and can't approach the students or stand on the walkways."
That's right.
At this point I was wondering if the San Luis Obispo jail would have a view of the ocean.
After Officer Maloney settled down, I let him know that our team (I wasn't going to jail alone) would not be obeying that unconstitutional policy. The nice officer and I had a respectful dialogue until I asked him what law we would be violating in disobeying a school policy. After what seemed like a long uncomfortable pause, he decided to leave things as they were and left.  
The Lord is Good...all the time.

This lonely protester covered her mouth and penned the words, "I'm a human too." 


Wow! The pro-choicers are making it so easy for us...taping their own mouths and having a pro-life confirming statement. 


Hope this continues on other campuses.


To top it off we caught her reading our brochure hidden behind her sign. 


Calvary Chapel of Santa Maria and other solid believers in the area helped make our visit to the Central Coast a great success. 
Over 5,000 brochures filled with the truth on two college campuses and six high schools. 



Cuesta College kept us busy with students who had never heard the Gospel and many had never talked with real Christians who could guide them through the minefields of liberalism.  

One student came over and told us all her friends were pressuring her to abort if she found out she is pregnant.  Our display called out to her conscience and she came to us for help
Our team is ready and waiting to point students to the Cross and the local Pregnancy Help Center. 
Another student walked up and said, "How could I have been so ignorant?  Abortion is wrong.  Thank you for showing me this today."
Three brave students ventured out to the sidewalk before the morning bell at Arroyo Grande High School and asked some testy good questions.
I recorded this dialogue and will make it available soon. 
It is great to see students reading our message.
One not so friendly student told us that she can't even get on Facebook because our display is on every students' Facebook and everyone is debating the issue.

Sept 2-4 Merced College and Delta College

Sept. 8-9 Modesto College

Sept. 15-18   Hancock College and Cuesta College

Sept. 22-26   High school lit drops


Sept. 29-Oct 2   Fresno City College and Fresno State

Oct. 7-8  Napa Valley College

Oct. 13-17  High School lit drop

Oct.  20-21  College of the Sequoias

Oct. 28-29  College of San Mateo

Nov. 3-4  UCLA     


Please remember my son serving in the Middle East.  Remember his platoon as they daily protect the people from the terrorists.
Remember our Country and pray our nation cries out to God in repentance and seeks God's mercy.
And remember the families of these brave soldiers.

                                       Thank you for standing with me.



I am Don Blythe of At the Well Ministries. This ministry of 30 years uses the abortion issue as a springboard for sharing the Gospel.


My mission field comprises three main areas of outreach: the abortion mills, high schools, and college campuses.


The email newsletters you receive give a hands-on look at what this ministry is all about.


I do not use the content of the letters to talk about financial support, and for 31 years the Lord has supplied my needs through the prayers and financial support of a small number of churches and individuals who believe in what I do and have seen the fruit of this labor.


If you desire to support my ministry, you can do so through regular mail or through the CashLinq donation link provided. CashLinq is a Christian direct-giving program that allows you to follow your giving history, and the cost to At the Well Ministries is minimal.


At The Well is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.


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Mail support: At the Well Ministries

                       P.O. Box 78025

                       Stockton, CA. 95267


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