At The Well Ministries

  The Impact Continues into the Darkness  
Our team ventured into the state of Oregon for the final Spring stop of Project Truth. Chemeketa College in Salem and Portland Community College were great campuses to set up the truth for four days of exchange with interested students.
One student told me that she took our literature and read through the whole thing, concluding that the "pro-choice" people have been lying to her all along.  She thanked our team for braving the liberal atmosphere to open her eyes.

This nice student told me that she didn't think men should have a say on this issue. 

I reminded her that it was seven men who legalized abortion and that this is a human life issue, not a man/woman issue.

We continued to work through her emotional soundbites, then finished the dialogue, shook hands, and she walked away with pebbles of truth in her shoes.

Some students came out to tell us that we had created a stir throughout the campus and that everyone is talking about us and the display. This student told me that there are students who can't concentrate because our message is so strong...  OK, she actually said, "My friends are crying because of the graphic photos of dismembered fetuses on campus."

I nicely asked her why her friends would be upset with photos of a "clump of cells." Perhaps the truth showed up on campus to open their eyes and hearts.

We exchanged our views and the importance of showing the injustice of abortion through photos because words alone are not enough to get people to understand the evil of abortion.

Several students let us know who they worshiped. 

Bernard explained the Gospel to them, hoping they would read the last chapter of the Book.  There they will find that Satan loses in the end.  

We will cling to the Winner...guaranteed!

She did try to match Bernard's shirt with her hair.
This interesting Native American lady (what's with more of the turquoise hair at Chemeketa College?) stuck her finger in my face and unintentionally proceeded to give us an example of a self-defeating argument on a sign.

I tried to explain to her that negative and positive ideas are a necessary part of explaining reality.

She told me that my "aura" was not bringing her peace of mind.

I kindly told her she was being too

We continued to compare her mysticism with God's truth.


This impromptu band tried to drown us out at one point. 

Yes, that is a college student holding an irrational and foolish sign.

That's the saxophone-playing pizza girl allowing Bud and our friend Don Cooper to impart truth to her after her silly actions towards us earlier.

We are loving and kind to the misfits and many of them eventually come over to meet with us.

We are "epistles written on men's hearts."II Cor. 3

One extra special highlight occurred in the above photo when a small group of Christian students became emboldened by our presence on their campus and decided to join us by engaging their classmates the second day.  

A few of the newly-energized Christian students told us the domineering liberal mindset was shaken on their campus by Project Truth and they loved being able to stand strong for the Faith that day.

We had a great time in Oregon and worked together with the Survivors team from Southern California to hand out more than 5,000 brochures on two college campuses and seven high schools.

                                       Thank you for standing with me.



I am Don Blythe of At the Well Ministries. This ministry of 30 years uses the abortion issue as a springboard for sharing the Gospel.


My mission field comprises three main areas of outreach: the abortion mills, high schools, and college campuses.


The email newsletters you receive give a hands-on look at what this ministry is all about.


I do not use the content of the letters to talk about financial support, and for 31 years the Lord has supplied my needs through the prayers and financial support of a small number of churches and individuals who believe in what I do and have seen the fruit of this labor.


If you desire to support my ministry, you can do so through regular mail or through the CashLinq donation link provided. CashLinq is a Christian direct-giving program that allows you to follow your giving history, and the cost to At the Well Ministries is minimal.


At The Well is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.


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                       P.O. Box 78025

                       Stockton, CA. 95267


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