Setting Up Our Banners With The Truth

The students of U.C. Monterey were expecting Earth Day activities on their campus.  Some accused us of crashing their worship of Mother Earth. 

The Project Truth display received the most crowds and opposition.

I often sit between the panels, as it seems to draw many students who want to challenge the powerful message we bring to their world. 

These students set up next to us and opposed our message, flipping us off throughout the two days.  They didn't realize that their actions drew more students over to our display which resulted in more conversations.
The word quickly spread throughout the Monterey Peninsula that Project Truth was in the area. This woman from the local pro-life group came over to the college to see what all the commotion was about.

She got right to it and began to engage groups of students who needed to hear the truth.

We leafleted five high schools, including Carmel High and Seaside High, along with the Monterey Peninsula College, giving out over four thousand brochures.

This troubled student was giving away these shirts near our display:        "SlutWalk."

You read it right!

It's promoting a movement that wants our culture to take rape more seriously.

Somehow this is the way to bring awareness...but of what?

"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil."


Alexander tried the "sitting between the panels" method.

I no longer call him one of our interns.  He does a great job of clarifying the truth.
                      Our team boldly stood for righteousness!
Some teachers at the UC tried to figure a way to stop our message.

The three on the right thought staring me down would work after the police defended our presence on "their" campus.

At the JC, I was invited into a speech class to present how we handle hostile listeners when speaking to a crowd.  It was part of the lesson plan that day and I became Professor Don for the moment.  I then took questions from the class.  It was a great opportunity.

For two days on the Monterey Peninsula College campus we had many opportunities to explain our Christian worldview.

Not to be outdone by the "Slutwalk" people at U.C. Monterey, this odd person stood for five hours at the JC with a petition to ban tomatoes.  

That's right.

All day in the same place.  I asked her if her mother knew she was doing this and the horse girl said her mother is proud of her.

I can't explain the weird behavior from some students.


Bernard continues to minister to students, as Rod offers our material to interested students.  The weather was incredible for the four days we were there. 

Carole Vaughn joined our team, and as a nurse, is more than qualified to reach the college world with the truth. 

The Lord has molded her for such a time as this.


Pray for this student in the yellow. He is the leader of the homosexual agenda on the UC campus and organized the protest against us.

He and I had good dialogue each day and he saw Christ in us and the evil in his friends.

I love to see the opposition (girl in white) reading our brochure.

"We were epistles written on their hearts."

Our team had great moments to clarify the truth to many students.

We are a bit surprised how many students have never heard the Gospel.  

Students often express their thanks to us for not yelling at them.  

Many students believe their friends
who tell them that we are mean to them as they walk by.  But the curious students don't experience that at all.

Bernard held class outside for a group of students who had many questions about our display and God.

At Seaside High, John found out what the double yellow lines are meant to accomplish.

He gave out the literature to many parents as they picked up their children.

The rest of us stayed on the sidewalk. Much safer.

Students were reading the truth before they got home.  

We rarely find more than five or six thrown on the ground, but see many students reading as they drive by in their cars.

At Salinas High these guys were very interested in the abortion issue and thanked us for giving them the brochures.
The young man to my right is Dat, a great local guy who has been speaking up to abolish abortion in Monterey.  

He loved having us take on the liberal world in Monterey and joined us in some of our adventures.

The local abolitionists needed the encouragement we brought to them through our witness that week.

It was most disturbing to speak to the students and realize that what seemed to be an attractive student with beautiful flowing hair was actually a guy.

We might be the only Jesus they see and talk to, so we prayed for wisdom as we engaged and challenged them about the mindset of false love in their hearts.

After spending time in the bastions of liberalism each day, we try to find some respite.   An evening sunset in Carmel was just what the Spirit ordered.  I took this photo with my cellphone.

Is it me or does that sunset look like the Cross?
This is a short four minute clip of a recent one-hour conversation with an abortion center manager.  Pray for her.  After this conversation she began to look for a way out of the dirty job.  

Clinic Final
Abortion Center Worker

This short six-minute video video will stir your soul to stand up and fight the abortion industry with all your abilities. 

Great opportunity to minister along side the Project Truth Team in the middle of the summer 

Join our Project Truth Team for a one-week adventure into the Southern California world:

                           Friday June 24th through July 1st

Friday June 24th:  Fearless Faith Conference with Frank Turek
June 25th:  Fearless Faith Conference
June 26th:  On the streets of Hollywood Blvd
June 27th:  On the streets around Santa Monica pier 
June 28th:  On the streets of Venice Beach
June 29th:  On the streets of Laguna Beach
June 30th:  On the streets of Huntington Beach 
July  1st:    Visit Ronald Reagan Library

We will reach out with the Gospel to thousands of people from all over the world.

If you are a young person between the ages of 18 and 75 contact me if you would like to be the light in the darkness during that week with Project Truth.


                                       Check out my new webpage

                                       Thank you for standing with me.



I am Don Blythe of At the Well Ministries. This ministry of 30 years uses the abortion issue as a springboard for sharing the Gospel.


My mission field comprises three main areas of outreach: the abortion mills, high schools, and college campuses.


The email newsletters you receive give a hands-on look at what this ministry is all about.


I do not use the content of the letters to talk about financial support, and for 31 years the Lord has supplied my needs through the prayers and financial support of a small number of churches and individuals who believe in what I do and have seen the fruit of this labor.


If you desire to support my ministry, you can do so through regular mail or through the CashLinq donation link provided. CashLinq is a Christian direct-giving program that allows you to follow your giving history, and the cost to At the Well Ministries is minimal.


At The Well is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.


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                       P.O. Box 78025

                       Stockton, CA. 95267


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