A Great Start to the Fall Tour  

The College Fall Tour has begun and it had been a while since we visited the City College of San Francisco.

I love our welcome from Scripture on the outside wall of this now worldly school.

Our visit would turn out great as we challenged the students and a few professors to be set free by the truth.

Our team spread out to engage the thousands of students and we gave out over a thousand brochures filled with the truth.

We will have given out over 100,000 brochures with the Gospel and truth about abortion in 2016 alone.

Check out my website to find out more from my archives.



Carol challenges the students trying to convince us that emotions trump logic and reason.  This student told us she would consider what we had told her and thanked us for being approachable and civil.

             So what's John doing sitting at the protester's table?
The head and professor of the "Women's Study" department set up a table across from our display to counter our presence.  John asked if he could sit down and had a long exchange with her as he asked questions and took her through truth that could set her free.  He did a great job of showing her the right way to think things through.  Pray for her that the Holy Spirit will bring her to repentance. 

Mike and Angie had a great dialogue with the loudest protester who was full of red hair.  
At the end of the day she wished us well and shook our hands.

Mike became a Christian about six months ago and is on fire for the Lord. We are blessed to have him and to also have Angie back to stand with Project Truth. 
Joseph returned to join us.  He stood above our display and played hymns on his trumpet.

We agreed to let him do it to see how it is perceived.  He only plays for a few minutes every hour.

We like it and it brings a surreal sound on the campuses.

"Put the trumpet to your lips! Like an eagle the enemy comes against the house of the LORD, because they have transgressed My covenant and rebelled against My law."   
Hosea 8:1

The trumpet plays a major role in Scripture.

Ed and his new wife Donna are a great part of Project Truth.  

Ed is explaining our message to a blind woman.  

That's a first.

Many students were willing to talk with us and some walk by thanking us for giving them the information that they do not receive in class.

An unusual number of red-headed students engaged our team throughout the two days on the San Francisco campus.

Our display caused quite a stir, as it always does.

It is hard to justify a "pro-choice" view when the photos speak louder and clearer.

Alexander returned from Rio and the Olympics, where he witnessed to thousands.  Now he sits with college students willing to hear the message of hope that they will not hear from their professors.

Another redhead asking questions.

I think Angie is subliminally getting all the redheaded students to talk to her. 

Whatever will work.

This student's daughter seemed to know we were there to rescue her future classmates. She held onto Nicole with a hug that said " thank you ."

Nicole is twenty weeks pregnant and still drove over to the Bay to stand with us.

This little girl running up to her made it all worth it.
This Christian student approached Cheryl and told her he was overwhelmed that we were on his campus.

He said that there is nothing ever on campus like what we were doing on the City College of San Francisco

He told her that there is no Christian witness on their campus.  He asked if he could pray for our team and as he prayed he wept for his fellow students who are walking around in the darkness and then thanked the Lord for our presence that day.
We also spent two days at Merced Community College to a much more open studentbody. On the first day we gave out over 1,600 brochures.

No sooner than when we set up our banners, the students are drawn to our message.  It's a common criticism that our disturbing banners are keeping students away from engaging us.  I hope you see from my newsletters that this is an unfounded complaint that is proven wrong every time we go onto the college campuses.   

Eleyana finally got to join us and will be with Project Truth for the Fall.  She did a great ministry at Merced College. 

Diana was able to join us with her newest living prop.  It's hard to argue with Diana and her story of Christ's redemption and forgiveness.

Bernard continues to be effective sharing the "Living Waters" approach to sharing the Gospel.  

He is dedicated and students listen to the truth when he speaks.
Liz, on the right, joined us for the day, and watched as I talked to "David."  Liz listened and saw the darkness in this student, who has been wounded by years of evil in her family. You see, "David" is actually a woman, and needs our prayers and someone on that campus to win her over to righteousness, to be set free from bondage. 
Then Liz tried it on her own.


I sent her the wrong direction.

But she did well and recovered from some of the more odd characters on campus. 

We never were quite sure what he was trying to project.

But for awhile he was an interesting prop for the display.

It's always good to be appreciated for our efforts to change hearts.

Matt was thankful her name was not of a masculine nature and was satisfied that she was really a she.

It's getting more difficult to guarantee whom we are speaking to in a conversation.

Some of our critics tell us that handing out the materials is a waste of time and money.  They say  "nobody reads the brochures."

    I say "Get thee behind me Satan."         We are about the Master's business

We have testimony after testimony of students who have been impacted by our message.  

We see our brochures being read all around the campuses.

As a student walked by she said to me, "I just finished your brochure and I want you to know it is compelling and convincing."

This is a very challenging tour and we are thankful to those who have invested in us to make it possible to have the great tools needed to complete the task for the cause of the Kingdom.

The photo above shows some of our team in front of the two Project Truth vehicles and our trailer that holds the display and materials.  All these things make it so much easier to travel and have a greater impact when we arrive on the campuses. Thank you to all who stand with us to be the light in this very dark world.

Here is the Fall schedule, but it does not include all the high schools we also visit in the afternoons.

August 22-23- Merced Community College
August 29-30- San Francisco City College

September 6-7- Folsom College

September 12-13- De Anza College
September 15-16- San Jose City College

September 26-27 Boise State, Idaho
September 28-29 Idaho State, Idaho
October 3-4 Salt Lake City Community College, Utah
October 5-6 University of Utah*

October 10-15- Off

October 17-18 Sacramento State

October 24-25 Bakersfield Community College

October 26-27 Cal State Bakersfield

                                          Thank you for standing with me.



I am Don Blythe of At the Well Ministries. This ministry of 33 years uses the abortion issue as a springboard for sharing the Gospel.


My mission field comprises three main areas of outreach: the abortion mills, high schools, and college campuses.


The email newsletters you receive give a hands-on look at what this ministry is all about.


I do not use the content of the letters to talk about financial support, and for 32 years the Lord has supplied my needs through the prayers and financial support of a small number of churches and individuals who believe in what I do and have seen the fruit of this labor.


If you desire to support my ministry, you can do so through regular mail or through the CashLinq donation link provided. CashLinq is a Christian direct-giving program that allows you to follow your giving history, and the cost to At the Well Ministries is minimal.


At The Well is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.


Online support: https://dlq4.donatelinq.net/qv10/default.aspx?MerchantID=AtTheWell 


Mail support: At the Well Ministries

                       P.O. Box 78025

                       Stockton, CA. 95267


Website:  AtTheWellMinistries.org


Email Address: 1956howie@gmail.com

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